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Garnet - Mandarin - Square

Garnet is a gem family.For the similarity in appearance to pomegranate seeds – Garnets are named after the Latin word Granatus that means seed-like.

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Home Page > Gemstones > Garnet > Mandarin > Square

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Garnet - Mandarin - Square

Garnet is a gem family.For the similarity in appearance to pomegranate seeds – Garnets are named after the Latin word Granatus that means seed-like.

Garnet was believed to signify faith, loyalty, truth and devotion.
Garnet is known as the stone of commitment, and was one of the 12 biblical gems found in the breastplate of the higher priest.

• Garnet is the birthstone associated with January.
• Garnet is the 2nd wedding anniversary gift.

Enhancement Code N

Clean with warm soapy water and a soft brush. An ultrasonic cleaner is safe for most garnets, except andradite (demantoid). Do not use a steam cleaner.

Ultrasonic: usually safe
Steamer: never
Heat: fair-poor; temperature changes may cause fracturing
Chemicals: hydrofluoric acid

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